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Our Pantomime in review.
Want to perform at the Fringe Festival in March?
How about volunteering for Busselton Fringe!!!
Local Business Sponsorship Opportunity
At the EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICE of just $ 10.oo - you can be a full member of the Busselton Repertory Club and enjoy all the benefits membership offers.
Acting, directing, stage management, costuming, makeup, set and props construction and management, lighting and sound training and operation are all available for the productions mounted by the club - to CLUB MEMBERS !
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL ! - Enjoy the social opportunities mixing and working with like minded club members. Take advantage of special ticket availability, visits to other theatres, in-house member's only opening, wrap and end of year parties and much more.
DON'T WAIT - sign up now for these and other benefits that will be added.
TO SIGN UP: You must agree to the CODE of CONDUCT.
Click the Read and Agree Button below.
It will take you to the Code and then to Memeber Sign Up and Payment
You will be advised when your membership has been approved after payment is received.
Busselton Repertory
The Repertory Club is a vibrant body with members performing on average, four plays and a pantomime every year. The plays normally run for a season of at least six performances each, while the yearly panto runs for ten performances.
As well as the productions, the Club organises occasional excursions to other live performances in Bunbury or Perth as well as social nights at the theatre
13 Queen Street, Busselton 6280
Cnr Queen and Adelaide Streets
TICKETS: 0498 581 454
FACEBOOK: busseltonrepertoryclub
The Busselton Repertory Club acknowledges the Traditional Custodians, the Wadandi people, on whose land we are living, and pay our respects to Elders, past, present and emerging.
2021 Busselton Repertory Club Inc.